On May 5th Everett had an opthamology appointment at Arkansas Children's Hospital because his pediatrician referred him after she noticed he has an eye strabismus. The ophthamologist dilated Everett's eyes and did a full exam. He told us to patch Everett's strong eye (the left one) 3 times a week and wants us to meet with an eye surgeon. It wasn't exactly what we wanted to hear. We were prepared to patch his eye, but were hoping that surgery would not be neccesary. We were told it would take about a month to get in to see the surgeon, so I guess we'll know more after that. I hate for him to have another surgery. He has already been through so much. Otherwise, he's doing great. He loves going to the park when it's nice outside which hasn't happened much lately.

It's hard to look cute wearing an eye patch, but he does it!