On September 13th my sweet little boy turned two. We celebrated in Honey Grove at Grandmommy and DaddyBill's house with tons of family and friends. The party was supposed to be a the park, but the weather decided not to cooperate. Grandmommy and DaddyBill graciously let us use their house eventhough they were out of town until the morning of the party. His party was Mickey Mouse themed or "toodles" as he calls it. We had hot dogs, chips, and cake, and Everett had a really great time. He received lots of gifts from toys to clothes to money and everything in between. We are very blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends who helped make his second birthday special!

In other news, we FINALLY have a home pulse ox. Everett's pediatrician wrote us a Rx and our insurance company agreed to cover it. This has been two years in the making. We just use it for spot checks, but it is such a weight off of my shoulders knowning that if I think something isn't right I can easily check his oxygen levels.

At his two year well check at the pediatrician we were told what we already knew. He's close to average height, skinny, and has a good sized head. lol He weighed in at 22 pounds 1.2 ounces which is lower than the 5%, he was 33 1/2" tall which is the 25%, and his head circumference came in at 19 1/4% which is in the 50% completely normal for his age. He can form simple sentences, has tee teed in the potty several times, but not consistently, and is every bit of the little ball of energy he has always been.