On September 13th Everett turned four years old. My how time has flown by! We had his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese the Saturday before his birthday and he was surrounded by his family and friends. Nana, Zach, Blayne, Uncle Lee, Aunt Lanita, Grampy, Chinah, Grace, and Chinah's boyfriend, Preston, all came in from Texas from the party. He had a 3D Toy Story cake and received lots of awesome presents! He had so much fun!! On his actual birthday Chance was off work so we planned a special day for him. He wanted to go to Larry's Pizza for lunch and The Wonder Place for play. We even let him eat cake for breakfast. :) Lately he wants to know what everything is made out of, what people's second (middle) and other (last) names are, and how to spell everything. He is very helpful with his little brother and talks pretty much non-stop.
In other news, the Horner family will be moving near Miami, FL in October. Chance received a great job offer down there. We're excited and know that it is a great opportunity, but we're also very sad to leave all of the wonderful people we have grown to love in Little Rock.