Tonight, Chance, Everett, and I decided to bake cookies. We made the cookie dough and put it in the refridgerator to chill.
Everett licked the beaters.We took the dough out of the refridgerator and rolled it out.Then we used cookie cutters to cut out cute Christmas shapes. Everett ate some raw cookie dough (don't worry it didn't have eggs in it). Even so, I took it away from him and he cried.
So I gave it back and he pouted while he finished eating it. We made the icing.He tasted tested it.Several times.Thenwe iced the cookies after they were baked and cooled. We decorated them with sprinkles. Everett ate a cookie.
James Everett was born September 13, 2007 with several heart defects that were not detected prenatally: Pulmonary Atresia (PA), Double-Inlet Left Ventricle (DILV), and Levo-Transposition of the Great Arteries (L-TGA). For more information on these defects you can visit these links: He had his first open heart surgery, the Blalock-Taussig shunt, on September 25th when he was 12 days old. Just 10 days later on October 5, Everett had to be taken back into the OR to drain off the fluid that had accumulated around his heart that could not be diuresed with medication. In January '08 he had his Glenn procedure, and in March '09 he had his Fontan procedure. After these four open heart surgeries he is doing wonderfully!
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