In October Everett had a Cardiology update and I completely forgot to post about it. He had the best appointment ever! His heart function was great and the best news of all is that they said that he is doing well enough that he doesn't have to go back for an ENTIRE year!! I am so proud of how far he has come.
In October we carved a pumpkin for Halloween. Everett decided what the face looked like and said that it had to have a pig nose. He was really grossed out by the "gupa gupa" (pumpkin guts) that we took out, and he liked the roasted pumpkin seeds. He grew quite attached to his pumpkin and was pretty sad when we had to throw it away. He was sad that it had to stay outside because he said it was cold. We also visited a pumpkin patch with some other mommies and their kidlets. They played in the corn pit and we went for a hayride. I took E out in the patch and showed him how the pumpkins were grown and he thought that was really neat. The week of Halloween we went to Halloween on the Hill in Park Hill in North Little Rock like we did last year with Tricia, Alyssa, and their kids. Then, on Halloween night we went to the Lake Willastein for trunk-or-treat, then to a local church for trunk or treat, and finally traditional trick-or-treating. Everett ended up with TONS of candy and he had so much fun. He had a complete grasp on the situation this year which definitely made it more fun.
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I just added your blog site to my blogroll, I pray you would give some thought to doing the same.
James Everett was born September 13, 2007 with several heart defects that were not detected prenatally: Pulmonary Atresia (PA), Double-Inlet Left Ventricle (DILV), and Levo-Transposition of the Great Arteries (L-TGA). For more information on these defects you can visit these links: He had his first open heart surgery, the Blalock-Taussig shunt, on September 25th when he was 12 days old. Just 10 days later on October 5, Everett had to be taken back into the OR to drain off the fluid that had accumulated around his heart that could not be diuresed with medication. In January '08 he had his Glenn procedure, and in March '09 he had his Fontan procedure. After these four open heart surgeries he is doing wonderfully!
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I just added your blog site to my blogroll, I pray you would give some thought to doing the same.
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