Monday, March 30, 2009

We have some good news this morning. Everett's doctors said his pleural effusion hasn't grown since it was drained, so we're probably going home today. I have to go back to Little Rock today, but Alisha and Everett will go to Honey Grove. He'll come back for a follow-up appointment on Friday. If everything looks good then, Alisha and Everett will finally be able to come home!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The waiting game

This morning Everett's x-ray looked worse. The surgeons that were here decided not to place a
chest tube, but insert a needle where the fluid was and draw it off. They drew 4 ounces of fluid off from around his right lung. The surgeon said that with that much fluid around it his lung was probably around 40% collapsed. Since having this done he is off of oxygen and his oxygen levels are pretty good. He is definitely feeling better. Now we just have to wait and see what the next x-rays show. If the fluid doesn't reaccumulate we'll be heading back to Honey Grove until his next post-op appointment. If it does he will have a chest tube placed.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Back in the hospital

Yesterday Everett had a post-op appointment in Dallas. His x-ray showed a very sizable pleural effusion (fluid around his lungs). He was admitted to the hospital and he had an echocardiogram to make sure his heart function was good. Everything looked really good on the echo except for the pleural effusion and his pericardial effusion has grown some. His heart function looked fantastic, though. The plan of action has been diuretics to try to draw the fluid off of the lungs and heart. His x-ray this morning wasn't much better than it was yesterday, and they say that if it isn't better tomorrow they will take him back to the operating room and place a drain tube. The fluid on his lungs is making his oxygen saturations low so he is on oxygen. His nurse brought us a portable tank so we were able to see the therapy dogs and go to the play room. He is in good spirits, but you can tell he doesn't want to be here. I'll post pictures tomorrow after Chance is here with the laptop.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bath time

I took this picture last night while Everett was taking a bath. He is doing well, and does tire out more easily than before surgery, but he isn't even 2 weeks post-op. He plays and plays and plays until he's utterly and totally exhausted then he fights his sleep. His appetite isn't very good, and he is waking up about every 3 hours at night, but his personality is back to normal, and he is loving all of the extra attention he gets here in Honey Grove.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Two Days Out

Sorry we haven't posted any updates in a while. We did get out of the hospital and Everett is definitely getting back to his old self. He's running around like nothing ever happened. He does get fatigued after playing outside for a little bit, but that will get better the more he recovers.

I'm back at work in Little Rock and Alisha and Everett are still in Honey Grove. He has a follow-up appointment on Thursday, so they are staying in Texas until next weekend. Since I'm at work, I don't have any pictures, but I'll get Alisha to post some later on.

Friday, March 20, 2009

We're Going Home!!!

Everett got to take off all his monitors today. He was standing up when they took his leads off and he laughed and spun around like a free man. We thought we wouldn't be going home until at least 7:00 tonight because they had to wait 48 hours after they took his blood to make sure he wasn't sick (he ran that fever the other day). But we just found out we have our discharge papers and should be leaving any minute!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dinner time

Everett hasn't been eating as well today as the past few days, but he enjoyed green beans, an apple, and a breadstick for dinner tonight. I thought these pictures were too cute not to share.


Yesterday afternoon Everett started running a fever. He isn't exhibiting any symptoms of being sick except he was a little cranky yesterday. He is on IV antibiotics to kill any sickness he might have. He has not had a fever since last night. The doctors are afraid that he may have picked up a bug from a visitor though it is also possible it came from the hospital. He also has a pericardial effusion. This means there is fluid in the sac around his heart. He had this complication with the first surgery and they had to take him back in to surgery to drain the fluid. This time, they think they can take care of it by putting him back on diuretics. We were supposed to go home today, but with these complications it may be another couple of days.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One step closer to home...

Or Honey Grove rather. Everett's x-ray looked really good this morning, and his body is replenishing his electrolytes on its own since being off of the diuretics. He's eating pretty well and has decided he really likes baked potato chips. His balance is getting better, and we took him down to the playroom to play earlier this morning. Kim Barnes came to visit and it was really good to see her. Two clowns also came to the room and E did not think it was good to see them. In the morning he will have a post-op echocardiogram and another x-ray. As long as nothing goes wrong between now and then and those look good we will be headed to Honey Grove tomorrow. We will have to stay around Honey Grove until his post-op appointment here in Dallas next week, and Chance will have to go back to Little Rock to work on Monday. We will join him there after the post-op appointment as soon as they give us the go ahead. This is Everett reading his website.
Kim and Everett

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dear Everett

I know a lot of you are following the blog and checking on how Everett is doing. We would like to show him someday all the people that care so much about him. So, feel free to leave a quick message to him on this post. Just click on the comment link below. Thank you.


Everett loves his aunt Chinah. Everett REALLY loves bubbles.

Out and About

Everett had a blast in the playroom today. He is a lot more mobile now that he has his tubes and wires out. He hasn't walked in a week, so he was a little wobbly taking steps at first (not to mention the monitor box strapped to him is probably heavy). He had fun walking - then running - around until he lost his balance and bonked his head. He's a tough kid, so it wasn't long before he was playing again, but it left quite a knot. He started eating a little bit more today and he seems to be feeling better. There isn't any word on when we will get to go home, but he is definitely coming down the homestretch.


Everett had his pacemaker wires and chest tubes removed today! They gave him some drugs that didn't knock him out, but made him more at ease. They brought in a child life specialist and she did a great job keeping him entertained. She blew bubbles and Everett would let out a really loud "Ohhhhh!" He did fuss a little bit, but I'm sure it had to hurt a great deal for them to just yank wires and tubes out of his chest. I didn't take any pictures... you're welcome. Now, he just has on leads to monitor his vitals, but they are hooked up to a portable box. They also took out the IV in his foot, so he should be able to walk around after he wakes up from his nap.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Everett poops!!

Everett loves drinking from a straw, so we got him to drink some that way today. He had a couple of bites of mashed potatoes, but when we gave him sodium chloride by mouth he threw those up. Later on, he did eat a few chips (fat free, of course). Also, Caitlan came to visit today and we took him on a wagon ride. He enjoyed that. He is on SO many diuretics to dry out his lungs that he is terribly dehydrated and his little eyes are sunken in. He looks terrible. When I first started writing this he and Chance were both resting well, but a few minutes ago he woke up and made his very first post surgery poop! I was so proud. He was been getting milk of magnesia and had his 2nd suppository tonight and nothing seemed to work. Finally, he was able to get some relief. I hope that this makes him feel better and improves his eating. His chest tubes are draining very little, so as far as we know they will come out tomorrow.

Hunger Strike

Everett's on a hunger strike. He hasn't eaten much of anything in two days. He shakes his head and bats down any solid food coming in his direction. The doctors don't seem too concerned about it, but the little guy has to be hungry. They also told us he's had some PVC's (Premature Ventricular Complex). Basically it's like a heart arrhythmia - his heart is contracting before it beats. The good news is the doctors said he hasn't had any more today. I don't know a lot about it, but here is a link with some information. The best news of the day so far is that he might get his chest tubes out tomorrow. We should only be here a few more days after the tubes are out. This is far from being set in stone, but he hasn't been draining very much lately and that is a good thing.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Everett's Big Adventure

We finally got to get Everett out of the room and go for a ride in the little red wagon.

First stop, flirting with one of his favorite nurses, Sheradon.

Next, the big wall of baloons.
"Where to next Daddy?"

"It's not the Hilton, but it'll do."

That's two good looking guys.

Now, it's Everett's turn to take a couple of pictures.

On a Diet

Yesterday, the doctors told us that Everett has a Chylothorax. The way I understand it, his lymphatic system is leaking triglycerides. It makes the fluid coming out of his chest a milky color. The remedy is a low fat diet for 6-8 weeks. I mean really low fat, like less than 15 grams a day. I didn't think it would be a big deal because he eats healthy foods, but we quickly found out that non-fat foods are hard to find. The hospital doesn't carry a non-fat soy milk, so we went on a quest to find our own. After two hours on hold with various supermarkets in the area, we finally found a Kroger that had it in stock. Alisha and I went there last night and were able to find a couple of snacks that he could have that were non-fat. That was tough, even most of the health foods had at least a couple of grams of fat. The bad news is that Everett is accustomed to eating just about everything we eat. So it looks like we too will be on a low fat diet for the next 6-8 weeks. Needless to say, I'm thrilled.

Nana, Pa, Zach, and Blayne came to visit last night. Everett was in a bad mood all day. Slapping at nurses, whining, or just starring off into space. But he was in a better mood when they came. He was smiling and laughing and in the best spirits since before the surgery.

Tudor and Pete (my aunt and uncle) came to visit today. They bought him a toy duck that sings and new book. He was a little afraid of the duck at first, but I think he's warming up to it. They went and got us Chili's for lunch. It was a nice break from hospital food and fast food (thanks guys!).

We're about to take Everett on a wagon ride, so I better stop writing. I'll post pictures of that later.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Play Time

Day Three

Everett rested pretty good last night. They've taken him off oxygen and his saturation's are still high (above 85%, which is good for him). He's still draining fluid from his chest tubes, so it will be a couple of days before they can come out. He's been in some pain since they stripped his chest tubes this morning. They strip them to drain more fluid, but it puts "pressure" on his heart. "Pressure" as we all know is a nice way to say pain. Right now, we're just sitting in the room with him. He looks like he's about to go to sleep in Alisha's lap. That's pretty much all we can do for him at this point. Just hold him and try to make him feel better.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Everett Pukes

Life is already better upstairs. We were animals in a glass cage in the ICU and people stare. Everett has been in pain, but is resting in my right arm right now while I type with my left. Chance, Everett, and I were watching Dancing with the Stars on the laptop when all of a sudden Everett puked all over Chance, himself, and the floor. The nurse said he threw up because the pain meds were tough on his tummy. Other than that evereything is going as well as expected and being out of ICU brings us one step closer to going home.

We're Movin' on Up!

Everett is out of the ICU and in a room on the 8th floor. We don't know how long it will be now before we get to go home. It will depend on how he does. The doctor said they'll be watching him closely to make sure he doesn't develop an infection or get sick. He's still draining fluid out of his chest tube, so it will be at least a few days before he gets that out. He's been in some pain today, but he's smiling more and is more playful. He's still got a long way to go, but moving upstairs is a big step on the road to getting to go home.

Still Waiting

Not much new information to report. We're still waiting to be moved to a room upstairs, but we haven't been given a time table on when that might happen. Alisha and Everett are asleep in the chair next to me. I would post a picture, but we have the lights out in here and I don't want to bother them.

Everett normally is really good about taking his medicine, but I think he's had enough. He fights us when we try to give it him and he swats at anyone wearing scrubs. His patience for this place is wearing thin. I know how he feels.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Everett's Smile

Everett smiled at me for the first time since the surgery. When he was with Nana, Pa, and Memaw, he even laughed out loud. It's so great to be able to hold him and I know it is making him feel better. He's been more alert when awake and resting better when he is asleep.

He's drinking good and he's eaten a couple of crackers and some yogurt. His calcium levels are still a little low, so they are going to give him some calcium by mouth. He's still on a lot of pain medication, but they've taken him off morphine.

We were disappointed he's not getting out of the ICU today, but he'll most likely get to tomorrow. Alisha and I are going to try and get some rest tonight and Nana is going to stay with him. Last night was so tough, we're both pretty worn out. Just the two of us got to get out the hospital and eat tonight. It was hard and we felt a little guilty being away from him, but I think we are both a little rejuvenated.