Yesterday, the doctors told us that Everett has a Chylothorax. The way I understand it, his lymphatic system is leaking triglycerides. It makes the fluid coming out of his chest a milky color. The remedy is a low fat diet for 6-8 weeks. I mean really low fat, like less than 15 grams a day. I didn't think it would be a big deal because he eats healthy foods, but we quickly found out that non-fat foods are hard to find. The hospital doesn't carry a non-fat soy milk, so we went on a quest to find our own. After two hours on hold with various supermarkets in the area, we finally found a Kroger that had it in stock. Alisha and I went there last night and were able to find a couple of snacks that he could have that were non-fat. That was tough, even most of the health foods had at least a couple of grams of fat. The bad news is that Everett is accustomed to eating just about everything we eat. So it looks like we too will be on a low fat diet for the next 6-8 weeks. Needless to say, I'm thrilled.

Nana, Pa, Zach, and Blayne came to visit last night. Everett was in a bad mood all day. Slapping at nurses, whining, or just starring off into space. But he was in a better mood when they came. He was smiling and laughing and in the best spirits since before the surgery.

Tudor and Pete (my aunt and uncle) came to visit today. They bought him a toy duck that sings and new book. He was a little afraid of the duck at first, but I think he's warming up to it. They went and got us Chili's for lunch. It was a nice break from hospital food and fast food (thanks guys!).
We're about to take Everett on a wagon ride, so I better stop writing. I'll post pictures of that later.
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