At 10:00 p.m. the nurse practitioner, respiratory tech, and nurse extubated Everett. Before extubating him they had to stop giving him the medicine that was mildly sedating him so he would wake up and breathe on his own. Ever since then it has been tough. His oxygen levels are fine with just a nose cannula, but he is very upset and rightly so. He has been through so much today. They have tried a whole host of pain meds including morphine and nothing seems to alleviate the pain. He nods off for a few seconds and immediately wakes up screaming. He desperately wants to be held and aside from relieving his pain there's nothing that I want more to do, but I can't. Around 1:45 he had 3 oz. of pedialyte and he was SO grateful. It was gone in seconds. He had some anti-nausea medicine and a little gatorade, but we're trying to pace him so he doesn't vomit. He was very angry when I took away his cup. His arms and legs are tied down and that just makes him more upset. In a moment of desperation I had the nurse bring a pacifier to see if that would soothe him, but it did not. He stopped taking his when he was 11 months so it makes sense he doesn't want it now. I just want to console him. I'm posting two pictures. The first one was taken moments after extubating and the second just a few minutes ago. He's resting comfortably for the minute, and I will try to, too.

One tough cookie. I can't imagine what you and your wife are/have been going through. It must warm your heart to see the little steps toward a full recovery.
God Bless.
I've been thinking about Everett this morning. He is a handsome little boy. Alisha this picture of him he really looks like you when you where little. Hang in there. I'll be checking the posts to see how things are going. Love, Crystal
Hope he (and you guys too!) got *some* sleep and that this morning is bringing some good healing.
Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!
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