Sunday, October 10, 2010

Everett's Third Birthday Party

This year because Everett has tons of friends here, we decided to have his party here instead of going to Texas and having a party there. The Sunday after his birthday, the 19th, we had a Chuck E. Cheese party at the CEC in Little Rock. He had several of his friends attend , as well as Grampy, Grammy, Chinah, and Grace, and lots of adults who love him. He had a "Cars" cake with Lightning McQueen and Mater on it, got to play a ton of games, went in the ticket blaster to catch tickets, received a crown and a birthday medallion from Chuck E. , and got a TON of awesome presents. He had so much fun and asks when he gets to have a CEC party again.

Ring Bearer

Two days before his third birthday on September 11, Everett was the ring bearer in the wedding of two our of friends who got married, Jennifer and William. I was worried about whether or not he would do what he was supposed to do, and minutes before the ceremony was supposed to start I went to sit in my seat and he was REALLY upset that I was leaving him. When it was his turn to walk down the aisle he walked all the way down and did such a good job!! He was SO cute in his little tuxedo. He had the pillow in a football hold instead of holding it in front of him. The wedding was beautiful, as was the bride. Congratulations, Jenn and Will!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Everett turns three!

On Monday, September 13th my sweet little boy turned three! I still can't believe it. I've had a hard time with this birthday. I really think that three is the age where they're really not babies anymore, and that makes me sad. On his actual birthday we gave him his present from Mommy and Daddy. He got a Cars bicycle and a helmet to match. He loved it! We took him for his three year well-visit on that Friday. He weighs 28 pounds which is in the 13th percentile for his age and was 36 1/4" tall which is the 21st percentile for his age. At his two year well visit he only weighed 22 pounds so he has gained 6 pounds in a year. The 13th percentile is the highest he has been on the growth chart since before he started walking! At three years old Everett is somewhat potty trained. He has good days and bad days. I think if he really wanted to he could be fully potty trained, but I think that sometimes it's easier to go in his pants rather than take the time to go to the potty. He talks and talk and talks and talks! He can say anything and everything and loves to talk on the phone. He randomly comes up to me and says "I love you, mommy", and misses his Daddy like crazy when he's at work. He can dress himself with the exception of putting on socks and shoes. He can ride his bicycle on level ground. He can count to fifteen unassisted and knows his full name and age. He is growing up so fast!