Wednesday, March 11, 2009

update #8

Everett is still doing as well as expected. He has been running a fever so the nurse gave him Tylenol, and it has gone down some. His hemoglobin (the cells that carry O2) levels were low so he had a blood transfusion. Also, his glucose levels are high so the nurse is keeping a close eye on that. It is dropping on its own so he probably won't have to have insulin. Dr. Guleserian came in to check on him and said that all of these things are stress reactions and are normal. He has been trying to wake up, but hasn't been successful until about 25 minutes ago. He was in pain and very upset. He was kicking and thrashing around and his oxygen saturations were dropping so they suctioned out his ventilator tube and gave him more pain medicine to calm him down. He is resting comfortably. He is now on CPAP to prepare him to be extubated. The pain meds should start wearing off soon and whenever he is awake enough we hope to get him off of the vent.

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